Building Bridges between East and West through Education and Cultural Exchange
Visit Zhenjiang (2015) – Hudson Taylor Memorial XuanDe Church
This album in my series on Dr James Hudson Taylor highlights the site of the new resting place for Hudson Taylor, his wife Maria, and possibly other missionaries. I understand that the original cemetery for foreigners had suffered desecration with the excesses of past history and had been built-over with commercial buildings. However, in early 2013, new development of the area revealed the old graves and remains were recovered for reburial.
The newly constructed XuanDe Church is the site where a new memorial is being constructed and where the bodies of Dr Taylor and his wife are receiving honored re-interment.
The photos here are from my second visit to Zhenjiang, showing progress in development of the new XuanDe church building and grounds.
We are now approaching XuanDe Church, a new church in Zhenjiang. Note the cross visible ahead.
I was here a year ago, but now want to check on the construction of the new memorial structure.
In 2013, the remains of Hudson Taylor, his wife, and other missionaries were located.
This new church, and the lovely tower adjacent to it, will be the new resting place for their remains.
Work was in active progress, as we visited here in early April, 2015.
A memorial hall is being developed at the base of the tower. Burials will be in a garden nearby.
The new church is of lovely design and dominates a corner property bounded my major roads.
Much progress has been made in the past year on landscaping in front of the church.
When completed, we can anticipate a park-type atmosphere in front of the church.
The completed XuanDe Church.
I have more interior photos of this church in another album of this series.
The guide met us at the gate and gave us a brief tour of the grounds. She was delighted at our interest.