Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship at UofR

Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) is an international non-profit organization, organized and operating in Canada since 1929.  It has been an active student organization at the University of Regna since the university became an independent institution in 1974. 

IVCF has two somewhat different sets of activities, one focussing more on Canadian students, and the other focusing more on Internationals. 

In recent years I have been personally involved with the programming for Internationals.  A range of activities are provided by Canadian volunteers, including events such as the Canoe Camp (featured elsewhere in this website), a Christmas Dinner, an Ice Skating Party, an Ice Curling Event, and a Summer Picnic in the Park. One staff worker from IVCF (supported by volunteer supporters) helps organize events and also helps to coordinate and offer individual and small group bible studies for those who are interested in learning more about the Christian faith and its importance in Western culture.

I was personally introduced to the IVCF programming for Internationals in 1988 when I was matched up with a grad student from Nanjing. That is now 25 years ago.  It represents one of those interesting “turning points” when making a choice among different paths in life and has resulted in many beautiful and unexpected results.