Beginning of the End: Qing Dynasty

IMGP3429s_res300Wuchang had an army barracks in the fall of 1911 which was home to the New Army of the Qing Dynasty. Unknown to the Emperor, his army had been infiltrated by leaders of a revolutionary group under the general leadership of Sun Yat-sen.

Two years ago, I enjoyed a visit to the Memorial Hall commemorating the uprising that rather quickly toppled the unpopular and weakened Qing Dynasty. It represents one of those pivotal events in the history of China where, in this case, a two-thousand year history of dynastic emperors came to an end.

To view my album of photos of this historic site, please click the link here…
Wuhan (Hubei) — Site of the Wuchang Uprising (1911)

To read a more complete account, check out this Wikipedia article:
Wuchang Uprising

First published:  2011/10/12

Latest revision:  2018/11/31